Fitness Classes
Martial Fitness
Martial Fitness is a fitness programme designed for martial artists who need exercises with more of a focus on marital arts than regular fitness programmes or for people who enjoy martial arts focused exercises as a way of getting fit.
Martial Fitness Classes are a 6 week course. You can select to train once per week or twice per week.
Class Times:
Monday and Wednesday – 6:00 to 7:00pm
Course Fee (6 Weeks):
Once per week: $90.00
Twice per week: $120.00

Interval Training
This interval training workout is suitable for all fitness levels.**
All people with different fitness levels will do the same exercises, but will be on different intensity levels. Based on your fitness level you will choose one of the following options.
LIIT (Low Intensity Interval Training) – Suitable for people new to fitness or recovering from injuries. Work only as fast as you feel comfortable and increase the intensity as you feel comfortable.
MIIT (Moderate Intensity Interval Training) – Suitable for people with a moderate level of fitness. Work between 6 and 8 out of 10 on a perceived effort scale or 70-80% of your HRM for short periods.
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) – Suitable for people with a high level of fitness and experience with Interval Training. Work up 10 out of 10 on a perceived effort scale or 90-95% of your HRM for short periods..
These classes are a safe, effective and motivating way to get a full body workout and help you to improve your practical fitness in the categories of: strength, strength endurance and cardiovascular fitness.
Class Times:
Tuesday and Thursday – 6:15pm to 7:00pm
Class Fee:
Casual Class: $15:00 cash
10 Class Card: $120.00
**You are responsible to ensure that you are mentally and physically fit for training. You understand that Wing Tsun Adcademy instructors will try, but cannot and do not guarantee to consider your individual condition, even if brought to our attention.