
Philosophy and Meditation

Enrollment Details:

We will contact you prior to the start of the next course for enrollment.

Course Focus:     The course is primarily concerned with identifying the possibilities and technique of applying the philosophy of Buddhism to one’s life.

Course Content:       The course will cover some basic historical information, but does not focus on knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but instead on applying knowledge for purpose of enhancing one’s quality of life.

Course Design

  …  IS designed:     The course is designed for participants who seek to identify the relevance of Buddhist philosophy in general, in today’s modern life, and for ones’ individual use.

  …  is NOT designed:     The course is not designed for participants who are interested in religion, spirituality, or in theoretical or academicals studies or comparisons.

Nature of Course:       The nature of the course is spiritual and religious free (i.e. participant with religious beliefs or other spiritual conviction are welcome, keeping the course design in mind). It is not a university lecture, not speeches of a guru, and not a cult or sect meeting. It is me (D.S. Kuhno, senior teacher of the Wing Tsun Academy) sharing an understanding, which I have gained through many knowledgeable, experienced and wise people, who were willing to share their wisdom with others.

Approach:     During each class one or more aspect will be presented and reviewed as to their feasibility of being applied in life for the above purpose.  Participants have the opportunity to reflect and inquire, with the goal of reaching an understanding of a practical and useful nature.

The material and aspects covered may be adjusted in response to the needs and special interests of the participants.

In consideration of the course being part of Wing Tsun Academy, some effort will be made to identify the reason and methods that made Buddhist (monk’s martial art superior)/(monks superior martial artists).

In Summary:     The course is to assist participants to discover the nature of Buddhist philosophy, and to identify its feasibility, its usefulness in today’s life, and its applicability for oneself as a pragmatic tool to deal with life’s hardships, support personal development, and to enhance personal performance.

Registration of Interest

Please check the subjects you are interested in